Development Design Technology
Why Website Design Matters

Why Website Design Matters

They say that beauty is within the eye of the beholder. There is no place where this statement is more accurate than the Internet. Your website must be beautiful within the eyes of these who visit it in order that they will stick around, browse, and possibly, convert from being a visitor to a customer.
Here are seven reasons why website design matters:

1. First Impressions
You only get one chance to form a primary impression. On average, that chance is about 3-7 seconds. If your website’s design is attractive enough to draw the user’s eye in during that point , you’ve made a positive first impression which will likely lead them to return in the future.

2. Building Your Brand
If you have an established brand, you likely have branding materials that go with it. Logos, colors, fonts, and other design elements can make your brand stand out. Make sure these elements are displayed on your website so users can associate them together with your business.

3. Enhancing Usability
The more user-friendly your website is, the more likely users will visit it. User-friendly website design means making information easy to access through navigation menus and buttons. A website should have as much navigation as necessary to support the goals of the organization.
Usability isn’t just for a few navigation menus and buttons. It includes white space, attractive calls to action, using images wisely, well-designed and written headlines, responsiveness, and mobile-friendliness.

4. Fostering SEO
What do Search Engine Optimization and website design have to do with each other, you ask? A lot! Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, affects how your website is found and shared by search engines.
Various web design elements have an impression on how search engines rank your page. Therefore, your site are going to be more likely to be found on search engines by using the foremost SEO-friendly design techniques. Examples of these design elements include image size and therefore the use of headings within the text.

5. Speed Up Your Site
Your website’s visitors have a need for speed. By using the proper design elements and optimizing images, you'll make sure that your site loads quickly on all devices. That way, your visitors are going to be more likely to remain around as they have a tendency to stay on faster loading sites longer. Site speed also can impact your SEO and your ability to be found by users within the first place.

6. Keep & Convert Them
If you would like your client to get your products or services, you’ll need them to remain on your site long enough to finish the transaction. With accessible navigation-related design elements like drop-down, footer, and sidebar menus, they’re less likely to bounce by finding out other pages on your site and more likely to convert by following your calls to action.
Therefore, you would like to make sure these elements aren't only visible but attractive. Calls to actions are important but so are your unique value propositions, as they’re what makes you different. It’s also okay to see other pages of their website because those pages should even have a singular value proposition and call-to-action buttons.

7. Stand Out
These days, everyone is online, including your competitors. Make sure your website stands out from theirs. Having a professional-looking website can make a difference to those that are visiting your website and your competitors’. You will stand bent customers who see that if you're taking care of your website, you’ll lookout of them.

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